January 6, 2017

A Stylish Elmore Court Summer Wedding

July saw me heading off to Gloucestershire for Tom & Elliot’s very stylish Elmore Court wedding. Elmore is a stunning country house deep in the heart of the stunning Gloucester countryside, over looking the Cotswold hills. It’s still a family home and you can feel that as you walk around exploring room after room. I’d been dying to shoot here so was madly happy when Elliot called to book. They were hanging up the seating plan when I arrived, and making general preparations for the day ahead. There was a whole posse of friends and family with them all lending a hand with the final touches…

Getting ready together

Tom & Elliot got ready together before heading down to greet parents and practice walking down the aisle with their respective mothers. Dad was still writing his speech when the rest of their families started to arrive, and everyone gathered for a few essential photos. Then the official bit, the legal ceremony with just their close families witnessing this moment. Champagne to celebrate as their guests started to arrive for their wedding blessing ceremony in the Great Hall. It was packed to the brim when the ceremony started and I’ve never seen so many hats! Aria’s were sung, readings were given, prayers and blessings from Elliot’s old school priest and then, they were married!  Watching them run down the long line of friends throwing confetti all over them was a favourite moment and then into the garden for copious amounts of more fizz. A stylish 3-piece jazz ensemble were playing as guest mingled, chatting, glasses clinking…

Speeches in the Garden

Elliot’s Dad, Tom’s brother, Tom’s Dad, Elliot’s sister…  all stood on the steps overlooking the crowd of guests saying suitably touching, funny, kind, embarrassing, praiseful words for these two. Too much champagne and too many stories later… and with things running really late, we headed off into the grounds of Elmore for some photos. I loved the energy, happiness and joy these two shared with each other and warmly welcomed everyone into their world smiling. SUCH a gorgeous couple!

Dinner Time in the Gillyflower

Dinner was served in the stylish surrounds of the Gillyflower where tables had been beautifully decorated with gold candles, lots and lots and lots of greenery and some home-made gin. And more champagne! Then it was Tom & Elliot’s turn to say a few words to a watchful happy and incredibly loving and supportive crowd. You could feel the love!! And of course they danced the night away.

Tom & Elliot – thank you for choosing me to be your wedding photographer. I’m so thankful I got to share your fabulous day and I’ll be over the moon if these photos bring back some of the joy and happiness everyone felt that day. Much love to you both xx

Like my work? Getting married at Elmore Court? Drop me a line here. If you want to look at the bigger gallery of Tom & Elliot’s day, head on over here.

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Wow. Beautiful work Mona.

Cheers Kevin! It was a stand out wedding with so many characters there! Loved it!

Awesome mix of creativity and moments! Nice work Mona! Ps very jealous of one of the ushers mutton chops.

Thanks Matt, they were very impressive weren’t they!